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The Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) is committed to serving, inspiring, and promoting student and public school success.
Strategic campaigns to raise awareness of the overall benefits of education
Improving access to inclusive, equitable, high quality education.
Meeting the emerging needs of the community by providing leadership and support for children, schools, and the greater community.
A premier service organization.
Fostering respectful, supportive, and inclusive work environments within and across branches, departments, clusters, and sites.
Customize your path to a career in education with options spanning early childhood education, general education, and special education teaching; or pursue and complete a pupil personnel services credential as a school-based counselor, social worker, psychologist or wellness coach.
Reduce or eliminate tuition costs when applying for the available grants and getting accepted into the program of your choice.
National UniversityMaster's in Applied Leadership
California, Department of EDUCATIONWorld-class education for all students
SJSU, San Jose State UniversityMaster’s in Emancipatory Leadership
CA.GOVCalifornia Commission on Teacher Credentialing
Mary Ann Dewan, Ph.D.County Superintendent of Schools, SCCOE
Manny BarbaraLEAP Faculty Member, SCCOE
Laurene BetoLEAP Faculty Member, SCCOE
Jennifer AnnDirector, Special Education, SCCOE
Adora FisherExecutive Director
MAK KegelmeyerDirector, Credentialing Programs
Dr. Freda RossiDirector, Mental & Behavioral Health and Apprenticeships
Jeanna PerryDirector, Statewide Residency Technical Assistance Center (SRTAC)