The Professional Learning & Support Division provides leadership, service, and support to school districts through professional learning opportunities in the areas of: curriculum/instruction development, college and career technical education skills, and district/school improvement services. The Professional Learning & Support Division conducts seminars, conferences, and workshops for K-12 teachers, administrators, and parents, and supports the development of student success by building capacity through innovative high-quality instruction.
If you are interested in any type of service, please click the link below and complete the request form. Thank you.
California Collaborative for Learning Acceleration
California Collaborative for Learning Acceleration (CCLA) is designed to strategically leverage the expertise around learning acceleration across the state in order to provide resources and support that can be accessed by every educator.
Educator Preparation Programs
Educator Preparation Programs (EPP) offers a total of seven credentialing programs through EPIC and LEAP approved by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CTC):
Education Preparation for Inclusive Classrooms (EPIC):
- Preliminary Education Specialist Credential:
- Early Childhood Special Education
- Moderate/Severe
- Clear Education Specialist Induction Program:
- Early Childhood Special Education
- Moderate/Severe
- Mild/Moderate
- Leaders in Educational Administration Program (LEAP):
- Preliminary Administrative Service Credential (PASC)
- Clear Administrative Service Credential (CASC)
Foster & Homeless Youth Services
Foster & Homeless Youth Services provides many services designed to assist children and youth in both foster care and homeless situations.
Integrated STEAM (iSTEAM)
Integrated STEAM (iSTEAM) provides high-quality professional development services to improve teaching and learning in the following content areas:
School Climate, Leadership & Instructional Services
School Climate, Leadership & Instructional Services department supports language and literacy development, student and parent empowerment, and social-emotional learning (SEL) through professional development, communities of practice, and technical assistance in these content areas: