Business, Facilities, & Operations Division is SCCOE's financial and assets manager and the school districts' business support office. In addition to our mandated services of school district budget review and pupil attendance accounting, we help school districts save money by providing such regionalized services as payroll processing, data compilation, and cooperative buying.
District Business & Advisory Services
District Business & Advisory Services provides a full range of business services to all school districts and related educational entities in the county.
General Services
General Services Department supervises, manages and directs the daily operations of all aspects of General Services, including transpotation; facilities and construction; and coordinating facility maintenance.
Internal Business Services
Internal Business Services Department is comprised of the Budget Office, Accounting Services, Purchasing, Warehouse, Postal, and Payroll Services.
Risk Management
Risk Management Department provides a full range of services in the areas of contracts, safety program management, emergency preparedness, crisis management, disaster response, site safety & security evaluations, asset management, insurance/self-insurance programs, ergonomic consultation and workers' compensation claims.