California Education Code 46600 allows school districts to enter into an agreement that may provide for the admission of a pupil to a school district other than the school district of residence. A parent whose request for his/her child to attend school outside of the district of residence has been denied may appeal to the Santa Clara County Board of Education. An appeal may be submitted whether the permit request was denied by the district of residence or by the district of desired attendance. An appeal to the County Board of Education must be filed within 30 calendar days after a student’s request for interdistrict attendance has been denied and they have exhausted the appeal process of the denying district.
The County Board of Education is the local appellate body for most types of interdistrict transfer denials. Staff provides support to the Board and acts as a liaison between the school districts and parents on matters related to interdistrict attendance appeals. If the denying school district is within another county, the appeal request must be with the county board that has jurisdiction of that school district.
Attendance appeal hearings are held during regularly scheduled County Board meetings. For a list of scheduled Board meetings visit:
Please note: The County Board, if it grants the appeal, does not have the legal authority to direct the school district to place a student at a particular school site, only within the district. The approval is contingent on the pupil adhering to the receiving district's terms and conditions for an interdistrict agreement.