Quality Counts California (QCC) Workforce Pathways Grant
Funded by the California Department of Social Services (CDSS), the QCC Workforce Pathways Grant represents the first phase in building a more effective statewide Quality Improvement System (QIS) and Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS). As the state invests more in quality improvements, including workforce development, it will continue to align and build a stronger system.
A child’s early years are the most critical for forming a strong foundation for their future development and learning. Research demonstrates that professionals working with children from birth through age eight (8) play a crucial role in helping young children develop physically, socially, and emotionally and their work should be grounded in shared knowledge, skills, and abilities.
The purpose of the QCC Workforce Pathways Grant is to support increased learning and healthy development of California’s young children by increasing the number of qualified ELC professionals and increasing the educational credentials, knowledge, and competencies of existing ELC professionals across the state.
Moreover, this grant will support local and regional quality improvement partnerships, consistent with the QCC local consortia, to expand the number of qualified ELC professionals and increase the educational credentials of existing ELC professionals across the state.
In Santa Clara County, the QCC Workforce Pathways Grant will support the following professional development activities:
- Supports for Dual Language Learners (DLL)
- Trauma-Informed Practices in Early Childhood Education (TIP-ECE)
- Module 101: Overview of Trauma for Educators
- Module 201: Looking at Trauma-Responsive and Resilience Building through the Lens of an Individual Child
- Strengthening Self-Awareness to Reduce Burnout in Times of Stress
- Inclusive Practices and Supports (IC):
- CA Teaching Pyramid (CSEFEL)
- Overview of Autism
- Overview of Inclusion and Disability Awareness
- Supporting Preschool Inclusion Learning Through Distance Learning
In addition to the professional development being offered, we are proud to provide financial incentives to State Preschool (CSPP) & Center-Based Childcare (CCTR) Early Educators and Administrators participating in the QUALITY MATTERS Stipend Program in Santa Clara County to pursue professional development.
For more information, please contact the QMSP team at (669) 212-5400 or LPCInfo@sccoe.org.