Data collected by the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE), California Department of Education (CDE), U.S. Department of Education, including enrollment data, demographic and student group data, staff data, school and district accountability, statewide assessment results, directory information, and Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC).
DataQuest is the California Department of Education’s web-based data reporting system for publicly reporting information about California students, teachers, and schools. DataQuest provides access to a wide variety of reports, including school performance, test results, student enrollment, English learner, graduation and dropout, school staffing, course enrollment, and student misconduct data.
Ed-DataEd-Data is a partnership of the CDE, EdSource, and the Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team/California School Information Services (FCMAT/CSIS) designed to offer educators, policy makers, the legislature, parents, and the public quick access to timely and comprehensive data about K-12 education in California.
Civil Rights Data Collection (CDRC)The Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC) collects a variety of information including student enrollment and educational programs and services, most of which is disaggregated by race/ethnicity, sex, limited English proficiency, and disability. The CRDC is a long-standing and important aspect of the ED Office for Civil Rights (OCR) overall strategy for administering and enforcing the civil rights statutes for which it is responsible. Information collected by the CRDC is also used by other ED offices as well as policy makers and researchers outside of ED.
Charter School Locator
Tools for locating California charter schools, including a map search and a searchable directory. Provides basic charter information, as well as directory information.
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Program information pertaining to school performance.
California Accountability Model & School DashboardCalifornia's new accountability and continuous improvement system provides information about how local educational agencies and schools are meeting the needs of California's diverse student population based on a concise set of measures.
School Accountability Report Card (SARC)California public & nonpublic, nonsectarian schools annually provide information to the community to allow public comparison of schools for student achievement, environment, resources & demographics.
A list of charter schools and their respective performance categories, as determined by the criteria outlined in Assembly Bill 1505 is provided in the
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California Department of Education Information on Charter School Performance Indicators
Under Assembly Bill (AB) 1505, two criteria are used to determine the performance category (i.e., High, Middle, or Low) of a charter school:
1. Criterion 1: Based on the colors received for all of the state indicators on the California School Dashboard (Dashboard), including English language arts/literacy (ELA), Mathematics, the College/Career Indicator (CCI), the English Learner Progress Indicator (ELPI), the Graduation Rate Indicator, the Suspension Rate Indicator, and the Chronic Absenteeism Indicator for the two previous Dashboard years.
2. Criterion 2: Based on the “Status” for all academic indicators with a color for the two previous Dashboard years. Details on each of the criteria appear below. (Note: Schools that meet neither the High nor Low Performing levels under Criterion 1 or 2 are automatically placed in the Middle Performance category.)
Criterion 1 (Colors)
The following conditions apply for charter school renewal under Criterion 1:
1. Must have at least two academic indicators (ELA, Math, CCI, ELPI) in each of the two Dashboard years (do not need to be the same indicators)
• For the ELPI, status level will be used as a proxy for color on the 2019 Dashboard where there are at least 30 students. (Note: There is no status level for 2018 and therefore is not used.)
If Status Level = 1, Color = Red
If Status Level = 2, Color = Orange
If Status Level = 3, Color = Yellow
If Status Level = 4, Color = Green
If Status Level = 5, Color = Blue
Charter schools meeting these conditions are determined to be high or low performing, based on the following color assignments:
HIGH PERFORMING: The school has Blue and Green on
all state indicators for two years: Eligible for presumptive renewal.
LOW PERFORMING: The school has Red and Orange on
all state indicators for two years: Eligible for presumptive non-renewal. Those charter schools that do not meet Criterion 1 requirements for presumptive renewal or non-renewal are subject to Criterion 2.
Criterion 2 (Status)
The following conditions apply to charter schools under Criterion 2:
1. Limited to academic indicators (i.e., ELA, Mathematics, CCI, and ELPI)
2. Applies only to those academic indicators with a color. (Note: For ELPI, must have a Status and at least 30 students in the 2019 Dashboard.) Performance determinations under Criterion 2 are based on an
overall status of both the school and its student groups, and how they compare with the statewide averages for the two previous Dashboard years.
A. For all academic indicators with a color, the school received an overall status that is the same or higher than the overall state average. For each academic indicator, follow three steps:
1. Remove the student groups that performed higher than the statewide average. For the July 2020 charter school performance file, these student groups were: White, Asian, Filipino, and Two or More Races. (Note: The ELPI does not have student groups; however, the school must have a higher status than that of the statewide average.)
2. For the remaining student groups (i.e., those that performed below the statewide average), calculate the number of student groups that scored
higher than their respective student group statewide average (i.e., received a higher “Status” score on the indicator).
• Each school must have at least two remaining student groups that receive a color.
o The student groups must have at least two academic indicators in each of the two Dashboard years (do not need to be the same indicator)
To be placed in the High Performing Category, the school must have a majority of student groups (>=50%) scoring higher than the statewide average for their respective student group. (Note: If the school does not have two remaining student groups, the school is placed in the Middle Performance Level.
B. For all academic indicators with colors, the school received an overall status that is the same or lower than the overall state average.
1. Remove the student groups that performed higher than the statewide average. For the July 2020 charter school performance file, these student groups were: White, Asian, Filipino, Two or More Races. (Note: The ELPI does not have student groups; however, the school must have a higher status than that of the statewide average.)
2. For the remaining student groups (i.e., those that performed below the statewide average), calculate the number of student groups that scored
lower than their respective student group statewide average (i.e., received a lower “Status” score on the indicator).
• Each school must have
at least two remaining student groups that receive a color.
• The student groups that must have at least two academic indicators in each of the two Dashboard years (do not need to be the same indicator).
To be placed in the Low Performing Category, the school must have a majority of student groups (>=50%) scoring lower than the statewide average for their respective student group. (Note: If the school does not have two remaining student groups, the school is placed in the Middle Performance Level.)
Middle Performance
Charter schools that meet neither the High nor Low Performing levels under Criterion 1 or 2 are automatically placed in the Middle Performance category.
Exclusion of Schools With Dashboard Alternative School Status (DASS)
DASS schools, which cannot qualify for the High, Middle, or Low Performance categories, have their own renewal criteria and are not included in the AB 1505 data file. To determine which charter schools are DASS, download the Current DASS Schools data file posted on the CDE Active DASS Schools web page at
All files and data needed to create the AB 1505 list can be found in the Dashboard downloadable data files posted on the CDE California School Dashboard and System of Support web page:
More information on AB 1505 can be found on the California Legislative Information website at
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