Artspiration is the countywide initiative to support arts education for all students in Santa Clara County Schools. Since 2007, the Santa Clara County Office of Education has put forward a focused arts education initiative known as Artspiration.
Vision - Partnering with public schools, arts organizations, and the greater community to foster equitable and transformative education through the Arts.
Mission - Artspiration is committed to shared leadership in advocating, empowering, and supporting sustainable arts education to develop the creative capacity of each student and educator in Santa Clara County public schools.
Meet the Team
Sofia Fojas is a leader for cultural equity and social justice in the arts. A classroom music teacher and high school music director for 20 years, she taught orchestra, band, IB Music, and mariachi. In 2008, Ms. Fojas was the only K-12 teacher in the first class (the OGs!) of Multicultural Arts Leadership Initiative in San Jose. In the last 6 years, she has served as a district arts leader in San Francisco and Elk Grove school districts.
She has performed with Mariachi Cali, Mariachi Atzlan and as a guest in a performance with Mariachi Sol de Mexico. She performed with Los Cenzontles and recorded with them on an album of the Chieftans. She has played in backup orchestras behind Natalie Cole, Dionne Warwick, Andy Williams, Smokey Robinson, and Johnny Mathis.
Artspiration generously funded by
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