Application Information
- Only teachers in Santa Clara County public and charter schools are eligible to apply.
Note: San Jose Unified teachers are not eligible for this year's grant.
- Public and private daycare are not eligible for this grant.
- A positive consideration factor will be the Title I status of the school.
- Applicants must have approval from their school principal to apply.
- Multiple teachers from one school may apply for a grant.
- A single teacher may apply for a grant in their classroom, or a group of teachers from the same school may collaborate and apply for a joint grant. In the case of a group, one teacher must serve as the lead teacher under which the application is processed.
- No applications for field trips or events outside of Santa Clara County will be accepted.
- Grant funds cannot be used to purchase computer hardware or software.
Apply for a Grant
Before applying, please have ready:
- A name for your project/program.
- A compelling description of your project/program and its purpose (100 words maximum).
- The name of the presenting arts organization or artist, if the case.
- Any fees that apply to your project (i.e. transportation, ticket/admission, artist fees, cost of materials/supplies, and anything else specific to your activities).
- If your program is a field trip, describe what happens before the trip, how you prepare your class for the experience (100 words maximum), and what happens after the trip (also 100 words maximum).
- If your project is a classroom activity, describe how this activity is innovative (100 words max).
- For a classroom activity, describe how it relates to your curriculum and what in-class activities you plan to reinforce learning (100 words max).
- Last but not least, please provide the names and email addresses of your principal, administrative assistant/school secretary, and teachers who are collaborating and applying together.
To apply for a grant, please click on the button below.
You will get the option to select the grant type in the application.
Apply for a Grant
Contact the ArtsEdConnect Team for any questions you may have at