The Youth Health & Wellness resources on this page are for educators. To view a list of resources for student and families, please visit
Student/Family Resources.
AttendanceWorks - Attendance Works provides an opportunity to solve this critical issue. It is the only nonprofit organization to offer an array of effective, free, affordable and proprietary consultation, technical assistance and coaching services to states, districts and schools across the country that are seeking ways to reduce chronic absence.
School-based Billing:
Youth Health & Wellness Billing Support- The Santa Clara County Youth Health & Wellness Department provides technical assistance to LEAs throughout the state on all matters related to LEA BOP, SMAA, and other types of school-based billing.
Suicide Prevention:
SCCOE Suicide Prevention Resources - Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) in Partnership with Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services Department provides School Districts with Suicide Prevention and Crisis Intervention support.
HEARD Alliance The HEARD Alliance (Health Care Alliance for Response to Adolescent Depression) provides resources and information for supporting youth with depression and related conditions, and preventing suicide in adolescents and young adults.
Activity Tip Sheet: Suicide Prevention and Mental Health Activities for Young People - The Directing Change Program and Film Contest runs film and art contests where youth learn about suicide prevention, mental health, and other health topics, apply their knowledge, and share their voice in their community.
T- SEL: Transformative Social Emotional Learning is a process whereby young people and adults build strong, respectful, and lasting, relationships that facilitate co-learning to critically examine root causes of inequity, and to develop collaborative solutions that lead to personal, community and societal well-being.
Wellness: Resources to support educators in their implementation of health and wellness supports and services at school. These include:
Greater Good – Useful research, resources and materials that support student and adult wellness and learning. The Greater Good Science Center studies the psychology, sociology, and neuroscience of well-being, and teaches skills that foster a thriving, resilient, and compassionate society.
School-Based Health Centers – Policy updates, funding information and resources regarding the implementation of school-based health and wellness centers.
- Trauma-Informed, Resilience-Oriented Schools Toolkit – The Trauma-Informed, Resilience-Oriented (TR) Schools Toolkit outlines a framework for implementing trauma-informed, resilience-oriented approaches in any school or school district. The primary audience for this toolkit includes school administrators, school board members, teachers, and student support staff, parents and families, and community partners.
Managing Mental Wellness – Tools for yourself, your students, and your classroom.
Acohol Screening and Brief Intervention for Youth: A Practitioner's Guide – If you manage the health and well-being of 9- to 18-year-olds, Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention for Youth: A Practitioner's Guide is for you. The Guide, which was designed to help health care professionals quickly identify youth at risk for alcohol-related problems, is now available in Spanish (PDF). The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism developed the Guide (PDF) and accompanying Pocket Guide (PDF) in collaboration with a team of underage drinking researchers and clinical specialists and practicing health care professionals.
Mental Health Thrival Kit - whether you are an educator, a student or a parent, take some time for journaling, coloring and deep breathing activities.
Take Action for Mental Health Toolkit - May is mental health month.
Restorative Practices Toolkit June 2022 -
This toolkit has been designed as a resource for educators and school staff to support schoolwide efforts in implementing restorative practices. The resources in this toolkit will describe how restorative practices can be implemented in classrooms and across the school and provide examples of the impact restorative practices have had in schools across the state and nation. In addition, the toolkit provides a framework for successful restorative practices and models of tiered supports and activities and can be used as an introduction for educators exploring restorative practices and supporting the work of teachers already implementing restorative practices in their classrooms.
Youth Health & Wellness: Wellness Centers for Santa Clara County Schools -
School Wellness Centers provide safe, supportive environments on school campuses where students can go to de-stress. At the Wellness Center, students can engage in self-led relaxation activities and/or connect with wellness staff. The Wellness Center offers a number of opportunities for students to engage in group, individual, and family activities that support discussions related to a range of topics, including: depression, grief, self-esteem, family life, stress, dating violence, sexual identity, and other health and wellness matters. Wellness Center staff can also support students and families in getting connected with resources for a variety of basic needs, including health and wellness supports that are available in the community.