4.0 Planning/Intelligence
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4.1 Planning/Intelligence Chief
The Planning/Intelligence Chief is responsible for the collection, evaluation, documentation and use of information about the development of the incident and the status of the resources. The Chief oversees the activities of the following emergency teams:
- Internal Communications
- Situation Analysis/Documentation
Start - Up Actions:
- Check in with the Emergency Operating Center (EOC) Director for situation briefing.
- Obtain necessary equipment and supplies from Logistics.
Operational Duties:
- Maintain accurate records and site map.
- Brief emergency teams on the situation and supervise their activities.
- Provide ongoing analysis of situation and resource status.
Closing Down:
- At the EOC Director's direction, deactivate the section and close out all logs.
- Verify that closing tasks of all Planning/Intelligence positions have been accomplished.
- Return equipment and supplies to Logistics.
- Turn in your hours to the Timekeeping Team.
4.2 Internal Communications Team
This emergency team is responsible for establishing, coordinating, and directing verbal and written communications within the SCCOE.
Start up Actions:
- Set up Communications station in a quiet location with access to the Emergency Operating Center (EOC).
- Turn on radios and tune them to local AM/FM stations.
Operational Duties:
- Receive and write down all communications from the EOC.
- At the direction of the EOC, provide status reports to staff.
- Use runners to deliver messages to the EOC with copies to the Planning/Intelligence Chief.
- Maintain a log of all communications, showing date, time, originator, and recipient.
- Follow communications protocol.
- Direct the media and the public to the Public Information Officer.
- Monitor AM/FM radio for local emergency news.
Closing Down:
- Close out the log of communications and turn it over to the Situation Analysis/Documentation Team.
- Return all equipment and unused supplies to Logistics.
- Sign out with the Timekeeping Team.
4.3 Situation Analysis/Documentation Team
This emergency team is responsible for the collection, analysis, documentation, and use of information about the incident and the status of resources.
Start up Actions:
- Check in with the Planning/Intelligence Chief for a situation briefing.
- Obtain necessary equipment and supplies from Logistics.
Operational Duties:
- Situation Analysis:
- Collect, organize, and analyze situation information.
- Provide the EOC with current situation assessments based on analysis of information received.
- Based on information received, attempt to anticipate problems before they occur and report to the EOC accordingly.
- Documentation:
- Collect and maintain all records, logs, reports, photographs and other documents as the situation develops.
- File all documents in a file box. (Note: A permanent, comprehensive log may be prepared from the documents at a later time, as an aid to clarity and better understanding of the entire emergency. However, you should keep all original materials, since they are legal documents.)
- Mark the site map appropriately as information is received. (Note: This includes, but is not limited to, search and rescue reports and damage updates.)
- Preserve the map as a legal document until it is replicated (e.g., photographed, drafted on the computer, etc.)
Closing Down:
- Collect all remaining documents from other teams as they are deactivated.
- Return all equipment and unused supplies to Logistics.
- Sign out with the Timekeeping Team.
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