Where to Enroll in Early Learning
Childcare Resource & Referral Program
As of July 1st, 2020 the Santa Clara County Office of Education is proud to serve our community as the new Resource and Referral for Santa Clara County. To find safe, high-quality childcare and preschool options, or to learn about state and federal subsidized programs (financial assistance for services), please visit the Santa Clara County’s
Childcare Portal.
You can also get assistance with finding programs by contacting the Childcare Resource and Referral:
childcarescc@sccoe.org / Phone: 669-212-KIDS (5437)
Public School Enrollment
Santa Clara County's public schools are committed to providing high-quality preschool, transitional kindergarten (TK) and kindergarten programming. To learn about enrolling your child in an early learning program, use the "Where to to enroll in early learning and care" tab.
TK-12 public education programs are free and open to all regardless of immigration status. Attending school and participating in school nutrition programs will not impact a child's or family member's immigration status.
The application and enrollment periods for public charter schools vary but generally take place between December and March. A charter school must accept all students who wish to attend unless the school has limited space. When the number of students who wish to attend a charter school exceeds the school's capacity, attendance is determined by a public random drawing. Use this link to access SCCBOE-authorized charter school websites for specific information about applications, lotteries, and enrollment.
Inclusion Collaborative
To learn more about inclusive early learning in Santa Clara County, contact the WarmLine. The Inclusion Support WarmLine offers FREE support, information and referrals for including students of all ages with disabilities and other needs in your community. Offered in English, Spanish and Vietnamese (and other languages as needed), contact the Warmline at
WarmlineRemoteLearning@sccoe.org or by phone at 408-453-665. You can also visit the Inclusion Collaborative
website to learn more.
Early Start Program
The Santa Clara County Early Start Program serves children with many disabilities, including developmental delays, hearing impairments, vision impairments, motor impairments, autism and multiple disabilities. ESP builds upon and provides support and resources to family members and caregivers to enhance children's learning and development through everyday learning opportunities. Click
here to learn more.