Supervisors of Attendance
The Supervisor of Attendance will be responsible for managing an attendance program that reaches every student, is conducted in collaboration with local resources, uses chronic absenteeism and dropout data by grade level and pupil subgroup to modify interventions, and shares outcomes with the County Superintendent; all SARB representatives; and the Governing Board. (Sample Policy & Administrative Regulation - CDE)
Attendance Supervisor Certification Training
At the beginning of each school year, we host training for the annual certification of Supervisors of Attendance as a
Data Driven, Three-Tiered Approach to Supervising Attendance
Reducing California's high chronic absenteeism rates is a priority in Learning Continuity and Attendance Plans. The information presented in the training focuses on the three tiers to attendance supervision to support tiered engagement strategies for students in the upcoming school year. Participants will understand the role of the LEA Attendance Supervisor and the responsibilities associated with the position.
Topics Include:
Attendance Laws / California Education Code
Duties of Supervisors of Attendance
3 Tiers of Attendance Supervision and Improvement
Chronic Absence vs. Truancy
Attendance Mandates/Policies
Parent Engagement
Local SARBs and Annual SARB Outcome Report
Updates to Truancy Laws
Truancy Abatement
*Each district must have at least one Certified Attendance Supervisor*