What training does the SCCOE offer for working with students who exhibit challenging behaviors?
For staff that work with students, including those who may exhibit moderate to severe behaviors, we do require them to attend Pro-ACT training which provides a certification that lasts for 2 years before requiring to take a refresher course. You will be contacted directly when your expiration date is approaching to be scheduled for the refresher.
For further questions or information regarding Pro-ACT, please contact Carolina Lluria (
What is Pro-ACT?
Pro-ACT is the SCCOE adopted behavior de-escalation standard of practice. It focuses on critical thinking, and problem solving when working with students that are in crisis.
“Pro-ACT is based upon a set of Principles that focus on maintaining client dignity while keeping clients and staff safe”.
The primary focus of Pro-ACT is to work on de-escalating student behavior while avoiding physical restraints. The core set of principles from Pro-ACT are as followed:
- Respect client (student) rights
- Build a non-coercive treatment environment
- Minimize the risk associated with emergency response to assaultive behavior
- Emphasize the role of supervision of employee behavior
- Support continuous upgrading of skills and knowledge
- Be free of gender bias
- Emphasize team skills
- Provide experience in problem solving
Follow the link to learn more about
What if I need additional support for a student exhibiting moderate to severe maladaptive behaviors?
The SCCOE has and will continue to offer professional development training opportunities for all staff. The SCCOE has offered after school training with the our Behavior team to review proactive strategies for working with students. In addition, there have been online training opportunities to support working with students exhibiting moderate to severe behaviors.
Please look for additional opportunities moving forward to support our staff with continued support in this area.
In addition to the after school training opportunities, the SCCOE supports staff through the Teacher’s on Special Assignment (TOSA) for continued growth with our adoption of the STAR and LINKS curriculum.
For our classified staff, the SCCOE has begun to employ our Paraeducator Trainers to support staff that are newly hired with the SCCOE. For staff that may need additional support in working with their students, there is
self-referral form to be provided on site support for yourself.
As always, any staff can contact their administrator for support and guidance as well.
What if there is a student in my class that I feel may pose a potential risk?
Please ensure that SCCOE administration is informed of the student as they can provide direct feedback and guidance through the IEP process.
If the case manager still feels that the students' behaviors are unsafe, then the case manager can complete the Behavior Assistance Form. Please contact your cluster principal or go to the Tiny URL for access to the form.
What training does the SCCOE provide for students with medical and health needs?
The SCCOE ensures that all staff are CPR certified. Training is offered throughout the school year to ensure that all staff working students are provided an opportunity to complete their refresher coursework.
For students with individual health needs within your classroom, the school nurse assigned to your class will provide individual training to staff based upon their unique needs. If medical needs are such that a higher level of support is required, then a LVN may be assigned to work with the student.