Community Schools: Models of Excellence
Using a comprehensive community model for our schools, the County Office of Education will place at-risk youth on the road to success in school and in life.
These true community schools involve students, families, educators, and behavioral and health advocates who can make an immediate difference in the lives of these unique learners. An individualized Success Plan will provide each student with the tools to...
- Acquire positive study and work habits
- Practice healthy living
- Obtain a diploma
- Pursue career options
- Engage in positive behavior, in and out of the classroom
Students will attend school at a campus where role models work in partnership to support student learning and development.
Academic and Career Focus
- Each student will spend a minimum of four hours a day studying core academics – Language, English, Arts, Math, Science, and History/Social Studies.
- Core academic classes will be taught by teachers with certification in their subject areas.
Positive Climate
- A principal will be assigned to each site to support and train highly qualified staff.
- Support staff will include counselors and public and non-profit support agencies.
- Research-based tolerance and gang-intervention programs will be incorporated in the school day.
- Comprehensive safety plans will be updated annually to address the unique needs of the student population.
- Primary language support will be offered.
Proven Curriculum
- The curriculum will be relevant and research-based.
- Assessment and instruction will be data-driven.
- State-of-the-art technology will support learning.
- Research and Web-based intervention programs will support unique learners.
- GED assessment and preparation program will be available.
- A course credit recovery program will be in place to meet individual student needs.
- Students will become technologically proficient and have the opportunity to access online college courses.
Parent and Guardian Involvement
- Parents and guardians may become members of a school's site council.
- They may volunteer to chaperone field trips.
- They may work in the classroom with teachers or help at annual events.
For more information about our Community Schools call (408) 453-6968