Trainings & Dedicated District/School Support
LGBTQ+ Resources & Supports Catalog
The LGBTQ+ catalog provides a comprehensive list of trainings, technical assistance, events, and conferences offered by the coordinator of LGBTQ+ district resources and supports. Tailored for teachers, administrators, coaches, support staff, parents/guardians, students, and partners, this catalog aims to promote inclusivity, understanding, and support within the educational community for LGBTQ+ individuals.
LGBTQ+ Catalog
If your district or school is interested in any of the services or if you have further questions,please contact the LGBTQ+ District Resource and Support Coordinator:
408-453-6906 |
LGBTQ+ Online Courses Guide
For the LGBTQ+ Online Courses, you have the option to register individually or as a group/district (invoicing option is available). Start and complete your course at your own pace. Once you've completed the course, certificates and optional credit is available. Two (2) graduate-level semester units per course, for a total of six (6) units if all courses are completed. Credit will be awarded through the University of Pacific upon completion. If you've registered as a district or a school, you can request a record sheet for all staff that completed the course.
LGBTQ+ Trainings
Stay informed and engaged with the LGBTQ+ community through our upcoming events open to all.