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Affordable Housing for Educators and School Employees
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Landed is on a mission to help essential professionals (starting with K-12 educators) build financial security near the communities they serve by helping them afford the down payment on a home purchase in exchange for a share of the home’s equity. They invest alongside teachers and school staff when they are ready to buy a home in expensive areas like Hawaii, the San Francisco Bay Area, Seattle, Denver, Boulder, Los Angeles, and San Diego. Landed provides: down payment support, a homebuyer team including their Landed Agent Network, financial coaching, and homebuying education.
In April of this year, Landed broadened its reach to college staff and instructors by partnering with Cabrillo College in Santa Cruz County — its first partnership with an institute of higher education in California. From there, Landed intends to expand to public colleges throughout the Bay Area, including other community colleges, the University of California and California State University.
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United Educators Association for Affordable Housing (UEAAH)
Established in April 2013, United Educators Association for Affordable Housing is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing affordable housing to all San Francisco Bay educators.
UEAAH’s mission is to promote public policy which contributes to scalable and affordable housing for public school teachers (K-12) through awareness and advocacy. Our goal is the creation of a federally funded Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) to support the vital role teachers play in society by preparing the next generation through education.
Support Teacher
The mission of is to help teachers afford to live where they work, help schools recruit and retain teachers so that the Bay Area can have the best schools in the county, create a sense of community by providing housing to all teachers, and help the Missing Middle onto a path of financial security and homeownership.