SCCOE Reports
The Santa Clara County Office of Education conducts evaluation, research, and analysis services and periodically publishes reports as a public service. Staff members are available to provide the following services for internal and external customers:
- Evaluation of educational programs
- Conducting research studies/needs assessments
- Analysis of data
- Planning support
- Design and implementation of surveys
- Facilitation of meetings of educators and those affiliated with the educational community
The Efficacy of Implementing a School-Based Approach to Student Wellness
Addressing Chronic Absenteeism and Increasing Access to Mental Health and Wellness Services in Santa Clara County
Santa Clara County Joint Foster Youth Task Force's final recommendations to the Board of Supervisors and the County Office of Education.
At the request of the Santa Clara County Board of Education, a report entitled, "
Children and Screen Time" was produced in June 2016. This report is also available in
Spanish, and