The SCCOE offers English language arts/literacy workshops, institutes and conferences for K-12 educators. Our mission is to provide instructional and other support services in English language arts to raise the literacy skills of all students in hopes of closing the achievement gap in Santa Clara County. Our overarching goal is to ensure schools and districts have the capacity to provide universal access of grade-level standards and core and supplemental curriculum materials to all students. We seek dialogue with districts and schools so that we will be informed advocates for our schools at both county and state levels.
Customized professional learning services for schools and districts are available upon request. Potential topics:
- Foundational Skills in Reading (K-2)
- Struggling Readers (3-5)
- Small Group Instruction in Reading and Writing
- Response to Intervention (RtI)
- Differentiated Instruction
- Reading Intervention
- Collaborative Conversations
- Academic Vocabulary
- Student-Centered Learning
- Data Analysis/ Assessments
- Writers Workshop
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL)