Training is provided over a four-year period and includes professional development sessions, design and planning time, as well as on-site technical assistance.
To participate, schools and districts must commit site and district teams and identify PBIS coaches. Site teams and site/district PBIS coaches must attend all SW-PBIS trainings. PBIS coaches must attend all district leadership and coaches trainings. Refer to training descriptions below for more details about PBIS courses...
Training Descriptions
Community CPR: Creating, Promoting and Resuscitating Ourselves
Tuesdays: April 17, May 1 & 15 2023 3:00pm - 4:30pm
The relationship that you have with yourself is arguably the
most constant and most important relationship that you can
have. We are in the field of service, but we can not begin
to serve others until we take care of ourselves. What’s
the first thing they tell you on an airplane in case of an
emergency? Put on your facemask, before helping others.
Taking your first steps towards creating more balance is
the most important thing you can do for yourself and those
you love. This three-session-series supports educators in taking those
first small steps towards a more balanced life each day.
Tier 1: School-wide PBIS Site Team Training (16 Modules)
The team training will guide school teams through the development and implementation of a school-wide PBIS. The training sequence includes many elements: School-wide rules defining behavioral expectations across settings Lesson plans for teaching expectations Acknowledgment and consequence systems Data-based decision making
Tier 2: Intervention Teaming and Targeted Supports (8 Modules)
The team training will guide school teams through the development and implementation of a check-in/check-out system for Tier 2 intervention. The training sequence includes many elements: data-based decision-making problem solving, and progress monitoring student identification and participation criteria development of daily behavior cards processes for implementing across settings, throughout the school day
Tier 3: Intensive and Individualized Supports (8 Modules)
The team training will guide district teams through the development and implementation of a function-based approach to addressing behavior. The training sequence includes many elements: Re-design and improvement of learning and teaching environments Develop and implement a function¬-based approach to addressing behavior and how behavior supports are used in successful PBIS implementation
Team Base, 1:1 Coaching and/or Learning Walks
Processing Trauma Through Classroom Community
Let’s address the pandemic in the room….extended school closures and distance learning have added intense stressors to the lives of educators, students, and their families. Being away from school means disruptions not only in academic learning but also in the systems to support students’ social-emotional-behavioral development. As we rebuild our school and classroom communities, we can shift the focus on the highest leverage practices to support safe and nurturing learning environments. This series of three 90 minute sessions will invite educators to activate, establish and maintain strategies to promote safe, predictable, and positive classrooms in the wake of school closures, trauma, and distance learning.
The Bias Bypass: A Route to Realize, Reinvigorate and Restore Equity in Our Practices
Please join the SCCOE PBIS Technical Assistance Center in a 3-session series exploring how to intentionally identify and interrupt our own biases’ impact on the educational system. For three 90-minute sessions, we will explore a multidimensional view of how bias impacts our classrooms. What actions can each of us commit to as daily practices to interrupt our own vulnerability to bias? How does our own health and wellness provide risk and resilience to us in interrupting bias? What social-emotional skills can we promote and practice to increase and enhance equitable outcomes for our students, staff, families, and community?