Santa Clara County Office of Education
ATTN: Director of Public Affairs
1290 Ridder Park Dr.
San Jose, CA 95131
Re: Public Records Act Request
Dear Sir/Madam:
Pursuant to the California Public Records Act (PRA), Government Code section 6250 et seq., I hereby request [access to] and/or [copies of] the following documents, which I have reason to believe may be filed with, retained by, or prepared by the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE):
[Insert reasonable description of an identifiable record or records as required by Government Code section 6253, subdivision (b).]
Please respond within 10 calendar days from the date the SCCOE receives this request as to whether this request specifies identifiable records that are not exempted from mandatory disclosure under the PRA, or that are privileged or otherwise confidential, and therefore are subject to disclosure. I understand this time may be extended up to 14 days in unusual circumstances, as provided by Government Code section 6253, subdivision (c), and that I will be notified of such an extension and the reasons for the extension.
I am aware if the requested records are too voluminous, the SCCOE may provide me access to the records to review and photocopy with my own equipment and at my own expense.
[Your Name]
[Your contact information]