SAN JOSE, CA – On Friday, October 14, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) will host a Walkathon in the parking lot of its Ridder Park office to raise funds to support the
CONNECT Post-Senior Program.
A part of the Special Education Department, the CONNECT Post-Senior Program is a community-based effort to promote college-aged students. The CONNECT program provides vocational training, placement assistance, and continuing education. The curriculum includes community safety, cooking and food choices, health and nutrition, independent-living skills, family-life training, computer skills, and community college classes. Walkathon funds will help provide recreation and leisure activities that occur during the year, such as horseback riding and dance classes.
"In this time of stretched educational funding, we are taking a proactive approach to ensure that we have a variety of educational opportunities available for our students," said Cynthia Valadez, education program coordinator of Vocational Services in the Special Education Department.
Coinciding with Bullying Prevention Awareness Month, participants and supporters are being asked to wear orange to the event to show their support for safety and kindness, according to Specialist Patricia Marquez of the
Safe and Healthy Schools Department, a partner in hosting the Walkathon.
All contributions are fully tax deductible and participants can also help support the students by coming out and walking with them in the parking lot at 1290 Ridder Park Drive in San Jose.
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