SAN JOSE, CA – The board of Silicon Valley Flex Academy announced it will close the school due to fiscal unsustainability after the termination of their contract by their service provider, K12. The school, located in Morgan Hill and which serves approximately 240 students in grades 6-12, operates via a charter granted by the Santa Clara County Board of Education (SCCBOE). It opened under their original countywide charter in 2011. In November of last year, the SCCBOE renewed the charter for 2016 through 2021.
After learning of the imminent closure late Monday night, the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) began working immediately with the Silicon Valley Flex Academy board and the leadership of the Morgan Hill Unified School District (MHUSD) to ensure that all displaced students would be able to find placement for the 2016-17 school year.
"Our first and highest priority is always the wellbeing of the students," said Jon R. Gundry, County Superintendent of Schools. "Since learning of this impending action, I have been in close contact with Superintendent Steve Betando to ensure students and families will have options and opportunities following this decision by the Silicon Valley Flex Academy board."
Staff from the SCCOE Charter School Office met today with K12 and Silicon Valley Flex Academy staff to make sure all closure protocols are being followed per the California Department of Education and Education Code requirements. The academy was also encouraged to use all available means to provide information to parents to allow them every opportunity to ask questions, and to work with other districts and charter schools regarding all available options to families. The academy will be open all day today, tomorrow and all next week for parents to come by to get information and speak to staff.
MHUSD will be hosting a transition information meeting for Silicon Valley Flex Academy parents and students at 7 p.m. on Thursday, August 4 at the Sobrato High School Theater. Staff from the SCCOE Charter School Office will also be on hand to help facilitate this transition.
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