SAN JOSE, CA – On Friday and Saturday, April 21-22, educators from across the state will gather at the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) for the 2nd Annual Steam Symposium.
This two-day event highlights the best practices, partnerships, and networks supporting imagination, innovation, and integration across grade levels in Santa Clara County.
The event will include a keynote address by "Physics for Rock Stars" author, Christine McKinley, and a panel featuring Marc Prensky, educator, author of "Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants." Breakout sessions include STEAM-it: a new interactive integration tool, arts integration with San Jose Taiko, performance assessment with Stanford's SCALE, the James Lick Observatory, San Jose Museum of Art's STEAM program Automata with Shraddha Chaplot, and exploring digital storytelling. The event will emphasize in-depth information on design thinking for STEAM classrooms science, art and design, and Our Watershed Arts Integration city building model.
WHAT: 2nd Annual Steam Symposium
WHEN: 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday, April 21-22
WHERE: Santa Clara County Office of Education
1290 Ridder Park Drive
San Jose, CA 95131
MORE INFORMATION: To attend, visit the STEAM Symposium online. For more information call (408) 453-4330.
The SCCOE STEAM Symposium is an annual event designed for K-12 Teachers, Administrators, Coaches/TOSAs, CTE Teachers, Non-formal Educators, and anyone interested in STEAM education.
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