SAN JOSE, CA - On Friday, May 7, 2021, The Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) recognized the 2021 Administrators of the Year for Region 8. ACSA serves educational leaders in the pursuit of equity and excellence to meet the diverse needs of all California students. ACSA Region 8 consists of Santa Clara County, at the southern end of the San Francisco Bay Area. It is made up of nearly 400 schools and more than 30 school districts.
ACSA Administrator of the Year awards recognize outstanding performance and achievement by individual administrators who epitomize ACSA’s Mission Statement. Their efforts promote diversity, belonging, and support for all of the children, parents and staff at their school or District. Dr. Mary Ann Dewan, Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools, was recognized as the 2021 Superintendent of the Year for her continuous work with developing and expanding new and innovative ideas, strategies, and solution-based roundtables. Her efforts during the pandemic notably focused on breaking down barriers that blocked student access to learning and wellness.
"We are so proud of Dr. Dewan, and this regional honor. She works tirelessly for the County’s students, families, and staff, and her efforts’ positive impact will be felt by our communities for years to come.” said Claudia Rossi, President of the Santa Clara County Board of Education.
ACSA Region 8 also recognized 17 other 2021 Administrators of the Year from seven (7) of Santa Clara County’s districts.
- Anna Nguyen, Middle School Principal (Alum Rock School District)
- Ryan Haven, Ed.D., Elementary Principal (Oak Grove School District)
- Julie Berggren, Secondary Co-Administrator (Gilroy Unified School District)
- Maria Lupita Gutierrez, Elementary Co-Administrator (Alum Rock School District)
- Heather Elston, Classified Leader (Campbell Union School District)
- Sylvia Alvarez, Personnel/Human Resources Administrator (Oak Grove School District)
- Usha M. Narayanan, Adult Education Administrator (Campbell Union High School District)
- Alecia Myers-Kelley, Career Technical Education Administrator (Metropolitan Education District)
- Anna Sanfilippo Pulido, Special Education Administrator (Gilroy Unified School District)
- Charen Yu, Business Services Administrator (Campbell Union High School District)
- Annya Artigas, Student Services Administrator (Alum Rock School District)
- Carrie Bosco, Curriculum & Instruction Administration (Los Gatos-Saratoga Union High School District)
- Dan Moser, Retired Administrator (Retired Charter)
- John Keating, Technology Administrator (Campbell Union High School District)
- Will H. Ector, Jr. Robert E. Kelly Award (Retired Charter)
- Dr. Jose Gonzalez, President Award (2020-2021)
- Nathaniel Lopez, Every Student Succeeding (Oak Grove Elementary District)
About the Santa Clara County Office of Education
Working collaboratively with school and community partners, the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) is a regional service agency that provides instructional, business, and technology services to the 31 school districts of Santa Clara County. The County Office of Education directly serves students through special education programs, alternative schools, Head Start and State Preschool programs, migrant education, and Opportunity Youth Academy. The SCCOE also provides academic and fiscal oversight and monitoring to districts in addition to the 22 Santa Clara County Board of Education authorized charter schools.