SAN JOSE, CA – On Wednesday, September 5, the Santa Clara County Board of Education passed a resolution recognizing September 15 through October 15 as Hispanic Heritage Month.
"In Santa Clara County Hispanic/Latino children make up 38.4-percent of the population, it is important to celebrate their impact within the community and across the nation," stated Dr. Mary Ann Dewan, County Superintendent of Schools.
"Many inequities are facing the Hispanic/Latino student population, and we are working to remedy those specific challenges by collaborating with Hispanic Education Foundation of Silicon Valley, Silicon Valley Education Foundation Eastside Alliance, and ConXion to provide culturally relevant training for educators and to improve academic outcomes."
On September 5, a resolution was passed recognizing September 17 as Constitution Day and California High School Voter Education Weeks. This two-week event is designed to help students ages 16 to 17 pre-register and become voter eligible at age 18.
"In the 2016 election, only 42.7-percent of the eligible 18-24 voted. Traditionally, this is the lowest of all voting groups, but they will also be the largest voter-eligible age group in the upcoming election," add Dr. Dewan.
"As part of our larger Civic Engagement Initiative 'The Power of Democracy,' we have partnered with the Santa Clara County Registrar of Voters to provide voter education, registration, and election materials to all high schools in the region, and we are encouraging schools to participate in the California Student Mock Election. Civic education teaches important life and leadership skills. As parents, educators, and community members, we want our youth to be self-reliant, active, and contributing participants in our society," added Dr. Dewan.
Both resolutions illustrate the work happening at the County Office of Education, by signing these resolutions, the County Board of Education reaffirms the continued effort of the SCCOE along with our community partners to enhance equity, inclusion, diversity, and partnership within our County," added Dr. Dewan.
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Working collaboratively with school and community partners, the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) is a regional service agency that provides instructional, business, and technology services to the 31 school districts of Santa Clara County. The County Office of Education directly serves students through special education programs, alternative schools, Head Start and State Preschool programs, migrant education, and Opportunity Youth Academy. The SCCOE also provides academic and fiscal oversight and monitoring to districts in addition to the 23 Santa Clara County Board of Education authorized charter schools.