Majority of Santa Clara County public schools will be open
SAN JOSE, CA – Today, Friday, November 16, the majority of public school districts within Santa Clara County will remain open. This decision has been made jointly by the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) and the school districts of Santa Clara County after consultation with the Santa Clara County Public Health Department.
"We have monitored the air quality throughout the evening, and will continue to monitor and assess these numbers throughout the day," stated County Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Mary Ann Dewan. "We know the community is concerned about the current air quality and all of our schools share in that concern."
We are aware that many local colleges, universities and private schools have elected to close their doors. Three local Santa Clara County school districts are closed today. Based upon the advice of public health officials and the ability of schools to limit outside activities, schools remain a safe place and provide consistency for students. While school will remain open, we respect that some families may choose to keep their student at home based on medical advice related to health issues or family hardship. If choosing to keep your student at home, please follow the normal procedure for reporting, and the absences will be excused.
When you are at home, please follow these recommendations:
* Stay indoors in an area with filtered air. Particle pollution can get indoors, so consider purchasing an air cleaner if you live in an area with high levels of particle pollution.
* Air cleaners that remove particles include high-efficiency mechanical filters and electronic air cleaners, such as electrostatic precipitators. Avoid using an air cleaner that works by generating ozone, which will increase the pollution in your home.
* If you do not have air cleaners in your home, try to go somewhere that does have air filtration. This could, for example, be a friend's home, if it has air filtration.
* Please keep your families indoors and limit outdoor and or strenuous activity.
* Drink plenty of water.
* Watch your child for symptoms including coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing, and chest tightness. Even children who do not have asthma can experience these symptoms.
* If symptoms occur, your child might need to take a break, do a less intense activity, stop all activity, go indoors, or use quick-relief medicine as prescribed. If symptoms don't improve, get medical help.
"We will continue to monitor the situation closely and provide updates as needed," added Dewan.
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About the Santa Clara County Office of Education
Working collaboratively with school and community partners, the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) is a regional service agency that provides instructional, business, and technology services to the 31 school districts of Santa Clara County. The County Office of Education directly serves students through special education programs, alternative schools, Head Start and State Preschool programs, migrant education, and Opportunity Youth Academy. The SCCOE also provides academic and fiscal oversight and monitoring to districts in addition to the 22 Santa Clara County Board of Education authorized charter schools.