The Vision/Orientation & Mobility Services Team provides services to students in the Santa Clara County who are blind or visually impaired, and who may have an additional disability, from birth to 22 years of age.
Our goal is to provide services that enable students to develop skills that allow them to reach their full academic and independent living potential. Direct Services are specific to teaching skills that are assessed & taught by a credentialed Vision Specialist or a credentialed Orientation & Mobility Specialist (ie. Braille, abacus, technology, cane instruction, specialized orientation skills, and intersection analysis). Additionally, Extra Core Curriculum (as defined in CA AB947) are areas of instruction that may be pertinent to students with a visual impairment, as determined by an assessment.
RIM is an online referral system used by Districts to request DIS assessment for a ‘new service’ or to request service provider assignment for students transitioning with existing services. All new referrals for Vision Services must include (1) an updated Eye Dr report with diagnosis, (2) current IEP, and (3) reason for referral.
California Transcribers and Educators for the Blind and Visually Impaired (CTEBVI) is an organization of transcribers, educators, parents, students, paraeducators, librarians, product designers, and other advocates for individuals who are blind or visually impaired.