Child Care Vacancy and Supplies Form
As part of its response to the COVID-19 emergency, the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE) is responsible for gathering information on childcare availability and vacancies in the county. The SCCOE is also managing the state funds provided to reimburse programs for the additional cleaning supplies and personal protective equipment required to operate safely. This funding is available to child care providers that are open or planning to open to serve essential workers and/or at-risk populations during the COVID-19 pandemic. SCCOE is waiting for the fund allocation from CDE and is in the process of developing a reimbursement, and purchasing & distribution process for these supplies. Please use the form below to communicate your vacancy data and supply needs and a member of the SCCOE will follow up with additional information.
All providers requesting supplies must submit the CDE Cleaning and Supplies for Child Care Providers (CSCP)Self-Certification Form. Please download the
form, fill in the required information, sign it (physical or digital signature are acceptable), scan, photograph, or PDF the document and email it as an attachment to: