High school students, families, counselors, and everyone else interested in learning more about California's universities and colleges, financial assistance, and the application process, stay tuned! More information about the College Month 2024 is coming soon.
In the meantime, please explore the resources provided last year for College Week 2023, held between October 23 – 27, 2023.
College Week 2023
That was the theme of College Week 2023, sponsored by the Santa Clara County Office of Education, in service of all schools in Santa Clara County. While College Week took place in October, it was really a series of events and activities that spanned much of the school year.
College Week provided workshops, guest speakers, supplemental learning materials, and college fairs for students, teachers, counselors, and families.
Visit the College Week site to explore resources and find out more.
Join the College Month 2024 Team
College Month is driven by the assumptions that the opportunities that college makes possible is a right shared by all our youth, and that early and frequent messaging and activities that reinforce college-going identities and behaviors is a key part of narrowing the opportunity gaps in Silicon Valley and promoting lifelong agency and future-ready skills and traits.
We welcome your contributions to make this year's College Month even better, and we invite you to join the College Month Planning Team! Please email Tina Dave with your contact information and organizational affiliation to receive a calendar invitation to the College Month Planning Team meetings.